Ho'oponopono Hawaiian Healing Technique Prayer Guided Meditation Visualization
A guided visualization/meditation on forgiveness of the self. Please listen in a quiet place to this beautiful healing Hawaiian healing technique and prayer.
I was first introduced to this by Dr Joe Vitale (He starred in the hit movie "The Secret") - and it has helped me tremendously. The love is overwhelming.
It is my wish that this will heal you on a deep level, and in turn, you will go on to heal all those you come into contact with.
Use it on a regular basis (you can even just say it to yourself as you are walking in the streets!) The mantra to use is:
I am sorry
I love you
Please forgive me
Thank you
Never underestimate the power of self forgiveness... when you forgive yourself, you are taking responsibility for you life... this in turn, spreads love far and wide... to others. So you're not only healing yourself, you're in fact healing the world... once person at a time.
Many blessings my friends